INVITE Science Talk 2024 - Smart Automation
September 25, 2024 10:00 AM
Within the Science Talk we are delighted to present the current results from the EFRE funded research project FutureLab.NRW (https://www.iuta.de/forschung/analytik-messtechnik/futurelab-nrw/).
FutureLab.NRW is directed at building and implementing the fully digitalized and automated laboratory using a vendor agnostic approach of hardware and software connectivity. Also, new automation concepts on the basis of low-code and no-code automation are presented.
The Science Talk is aimed at researchers from both industry and academia who are interested in gaining insights into forward-thinking concepts for laboratory digitization and automation.
These concepts are presented using examples of applications and include, for example, the digital transformation of a laboratory workflow and the flexible automation of a complex analytical workflow. A particular emphasis will be placed on how these concepts can be implemented by laboratory staff without an IT or engineering background. The Science Talk thus offers an insight into the automation and digitization of the laboratory without the necessary domain knowledge from the fields of engineering and IT.
For further discussion we would like to draw the attendees’ attention to the upcoming IUTA-AnalytikTag, which focuses also on digitalization and automation (https://www.iuta.de/aktuelles/8-iuta-analytiktag-2024-am-07-november-2024/).