INVITE Science Talk 2022 - Drug Delivery

We invite you to the next Science Talk @ INVITE, with a topic focusing on Drug Delivery.

Aim is to pursue on the opportunity to connect within our network, keeping the interaction and dialogue vivid and discuss together topics of common relevance for our academic & industrial partners. The presentation series is an open event, thus please forward the invitation to other interested colleagues or friends.

On Nov 25th, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Siepmann from the University of Lille, France will give us insights to recent advancements in “Controlled Drug Delivery Systems for Oral & Parenteral Administration”.


Time: November 25th, 2022 13:00-14:00

Title: Controlled Drug Delivery Systems for Oral & Parenteral Administration

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Siepmann,  University of Lille / France

The talk will give an overview on controlled drug delivery systems for oral and parenteral administration, with a special emphasis on the underlying drug release mechanisms. A better understanding of how a specific delivery system controls drug release can very much facilitate its optimization. In certain cases, mathematical models can be used to predict the effects of the device design on the resulting drug release kinetics in a quantitative manner, replacing series of experimental studies.

Link: The talk can be attended using following link

Meeting-ID: 836 1746 1225

Kenncode: 653951