INVITE Kolloquium

On Tuesday, 3rd November 2015, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade was visiting the INVITE and held a presentation about the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering (PVZ


On Tuesday, 3rd November 2015, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade was visiting the INVITE and held a presentation about the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering (PVZ Prof. Kwade is Chairperson of the Scientific Board of PVZ and Director of IPAT - Institute for Particle Technology, TU Braunschweig.

The main focus of his talk was the presentation of the various working groups and disciplines who want to develop new methods for the development and production of low-cost and effective drugs in PVZ in an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to pharmaceutics, engineering, chemistry and process engineering also analytics and micro technology are the disciplines needed in the research center to work together in various projects to realize the vision of personalized medicine. The cross-sectional disciplines simulation and pharma production technology complete the expertise of the PVZ to find models which are intended to accelerate the development and to improve the understanding of the relationships which are needed for (continuous) process chains as well as scale-up.

His lecture was followed by a lively discussion with the audience about the challenges of the future pharmaceutical production. The financing of the PVZ and the involvement of industrial partners were discussed, too. The researchers, who are working already in various projects intended to move in the finished building by the end of 2016, which then also includes several clean rooms and technical centers in which the new technologies can be demonstrated.